Environment, Ecology and Energy Program
ESC students should get advising for their undergraduate courses in environmental studies and environmental science from faculty in the Environment, Ecology and Energy Program:
- Amy Cooke: acooke@email.unc.edu
- Geoff Bell: gwbell@email.unc.edu
- Greg Gangi: ggangi@email.unc.edu
Hussman School of Journalism and Media
UNC Hussman advisors hold drop-in advising hours every semester in advance of registration. Attending these sessions is the way to reserve seats in the following semester’s UNC Hussman courses.
Follow the below sequence each semester to secure your spot in the necessary MEJO courses:
- Complete the pre-advising survey, which you will receive from the ESC listserv early in the semester.
- Attend a drop-in advising session to plan your courses for the next semester and beyond.
- Complete the post-advising survey to request the MEJO courses you need based on discussion at the advising session. You will receive this survey via email after attending drop-in advising.
You can also direct questions about the program and admissions process to the UNC Hussman Office of Graduate Studies at mjgrad@unc.edu. For questions about academics, your career goals and advising (outside of the drop-in sessions every semester before registration), you can contact our faculty program directors:
- Rhonda Gibson (journalism): gibsonr@email.unc.edu
- Suman Lee (strategic communication): suman@unc.edu